The Hero´s Journey is a mythical structure that defines the selection of images, decisions and impulses in my imaginary throughout the years. This archetypal configuration emerged as a psychological platform for allowing the mystical, the mythical, popular culture, and the autobiographical to converge in my work. It has become a constant cycle of traveling from the ordinary world to the extraordinary world and back to the ordinary, in order to share my findings through my art.
Sideshow banners, science fiction pulp magazine illustrations, cluttered shopping carts, childhood portraits of myself, hybrid creatures, and ancestor masks become active symbols of a psychic geography with its own rules and that dictates the personality, the
density and characteristics of what constitutes the environment in which my mutants and mystics dwell.
Making sure that I find those elements that epitomize the atmosphere and emotions of an adult child who is continuously sensing the world as a strange and exciting place, and who defends this right to imagine the world as a fantastic realm is extremely vital. To let everything be visible, even the invisible world. I authorized myself to learn how to see, recognize, identify, validate and execute in the visual.
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